The end of the year is always the busiest time for all businesses, everything has to get done and it’s a must this year. It’s about corporate gifts, budgeting for the year ahead and reflecting on the current year. To help you in these busy times, enivo has put together information to help you decide which type of greeting is best for your business this year.
digital greetings:
- can be made not only as a static image, but also as a moving animation or even a filmed video
- are convenient, fast and easy to send to an unlimited number of customers
- are easily personalised, regardless of the number of recipients
- their design and mailing costs are often noticeably lower than for printed greetings
printed greetings:
- gives a personal touch. They take time to create, the greetings they contain are thoughtful, special
- are tangible. Depending on the materials and printing technologies used, greetings can be very interesting and unique
- their budget depends on the design of the greeting, the technical performance of the printing and the number of recipients (note that some recipients work from home)

If your customers are used to visiting the business where it is located, they will appreciate printed greetings more. If you sell online, digital greetings are an obvious choice as they can be accompanied by seasonal special offers, discounts or promotions. Still not sure which type of greeting is best for your company? Contact us and we will help you!